Submit a Listing
Thank you for your interest in listing yourself on If you are a visual, literary, or performing artist based in New England who values health freedom, you are welcome to list your contact information, website, and other information on this site. Please also explore the other artists who have posted their information here.
To submit a listing, send an email to the website's curator, Jack DesBois, at: [email protected] with the subject "HFAINE Listing Submission."
Include in your submission the information you would like posted in your listing. That information MUST include:
The information you choose to post MAY include:
In addition to the information you wish to include in your listing, your submission must include an email address (the one you use to send the email is fine) even if you do not want your email address listed. The curator will use this email address for any necessary communications regarding your listing. In addition, the curator will send out a regular email - not more than once a month - to all artists listed (Bcc, to keep your email address private) to announce new listings to the site.
The curator also requests that you include a phone number, even if you do not want it listed. He will check every submission to be reasonably assured that it is an authentic submission, and a phone number will help him with this process. If you do include a phone number, you can expect a call from Jack to confirm that you are a real person.
The curator reserves the right to reject any submissions that he deems are not in the spirit of, particularly if the applicant is not based in New England or does not value health freedom. Other offensive or otherwise inappropriate material may be omitted at the curator's discretion. He will make an effort to communicate his reasons for such decisions to the applicant.
Thank you again for your interest in listing your information on and contributing to a health freedom "parallel polis" here in New England. Let the connections begin!
Include in your submission the information you would like posted in your listing. That information MUST include:
- Your name.
- Your location.
The information you choose to post MAY include:
- What type of artist you are, e.g. writer, painter, actor.
- Your email address.
- Your phone number.
- Your website.
- Your social media handles.
- A blurb about you and your work, not more than 100 words long.
- A photo of you, or other image pertaining to your work.
In addition to the information you wish to include in your listing, your submission must include an email address (the one you use to send the email is fine) even if you do not want your email address listed. The curator will use this email address for any necessary communications regarding your listing. In addition, the curator will send out a regular email - not more than once a month - to all artists listed (Bcc, to keep your email address private) to announce new listings to the site.
The curator also requests that you include a phone number, even if you do not want it listed. He will check every submission to be reasonably assured that it is an authentic submission, and a phone number will help him with this process. If you do include a phone number, you can expect a call from Jack to confirm that you are a real person.
The curator reserves the right to reject any submissions that he deems are not in the spirit of, particularly if the applicant is not based in New England or does not value health freedom. Other offensive or otherwise inappropriate material may be omitted at the curator's discretion. He will make an effort to communicate his reasons for such decisions to the applicant.
Thank you again for your interest in listing your information on and contributing to a health freedom "parallel polis" here in New England. Let the connections begin!
About the website's curator
Jack DesBois is an actor, singer, writer, and storyteller currently splitting his time between Topsfield, MA, and North Hampton, NH. After feeling increasingly isolated as an artist over the past two years of lockdowns and pandemic-related restrictions, he decided to create to fill a need he observed in New England's Health Freedom movement. His artist's website is Contact him at [email protected].